Two Fiber-Rich Recipes

As you may or may not know, in regards to weight loss for the last two months I am in a maintenance mode, as described in detail in the last chapters of The Time Machine Diet. Aside from occasional fasting days, mostly I eat by (not too strict) LCHF – Low Carb High Fat regimen. Generally, it’s a good idea not to let your body settle into a routine, and keep it guessing so to speak, by periodic changing the ways you eat.

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Three Hot Drinks to Keep Blood Sugar Down

Keeping one’s blood sugar level steady is imperative not only for diabetics but for the folks with a healthy metabolism as well. Stable blood sugar protects against excessive insulin spikes, the consequences of which we discussed earlier. Here are three hot drinks that can help stabilize blood glucose. They also are very helpful on fasting days as they help curb hunger.

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